
  :-)         Smile / Happy

  :-D         Laughter

  :-)=)       Another kind of Laughter

  :-X         Shut up/Keep secret/I'm not allowed to tell you (sometimes: kiss)
  :-o         Oh! Surprise
 =:-o         Oh!! Big Surprise.
  :-/         Don't know what to think of
  )-;         Unhappy with treardrop
  :-|         Not Happy, but not unhappy either.
 =:-|         Startled

  :-P         Showing tongue

  :-Þ              "

 /:-)         John Travolta? 
  :-) B  >    Woman 
  :-)   |-    Man
  :-) B |-    XXXX
 =:-)         Punker
  :-L         Smoker
  :-(=)       Angry

  :*)         Happy drunk

  8-)         Wearing glasses

  (-:         Lefty

Other people have lists as well. In case you prefer graphics
Last modified: Fri Sep 24 14:55:15 CEST 1999 by Peter